Tag Archives: Community

Love Thy Neighbourhood Centre

tonje akerholt

For over 45 years the Springwood Neighbourhood Centre has been providing much needed community resources, advice and facilities to the people of the Blue Mountains. Tonje Akerholt and the other staff at the Centre work tirelessly to ensure that the space continues as somewhere everyone can feel welcome and connected.

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A Place for all Creatures Great and Small: The Sun Valley Family Providing a Safe Haven for Rescued Animals

the sidarous family in sun valley, blue mountains

With the lack of available options for many unwanted pets and farmyard animals in the area, there is a need to think about how we as a community can help reduce the numbers of animals being dumped or left uncared for in the Blue Mountains. Sun Valley residents, the Sidarous family, opened their home and hearts to many creatures great and small, who might otherwise have struggled to find appropriate and loving care.

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